Multimap 2018 v1.0.0.0 FS17

FS17 Maps

Multimap 2018 v1.0.0.0 FS17

Before I come to the actual description of the card, the following note:
Originally I did not want to publish a map here on Modhoster anymore. The reason lay in the multitude of offensive comments to my card Birkenhof. If this is the same repeating, then I will unabashedly disable the comment function again and then this is irrevocably the last mod that is published by me here. I always have an open ear for constructive criticism, but the sound makes the music. And there are no reasons to become insulting.
The LS Mapping Team presents you a remake of the map Multimap from 2014, back then for the LS 13.
We now say: Welcome to the Multimap 2018 for the LS 17.
The original mapper of this map is LF-Bauer. He had already invested a lot of effort and diligence in this card in 2014, and although there were several cards with this name, in my view, this card is the best of them all.
But first of all the “technical data” of the map:
4-fold with multi-fruit and choppedStraw

The following fruits are installed:
Standard fruits, sugar cane cultivation is possible, oats, rye, spelled, triticale, hops, tobacco, onions, carrots, lettuce, cabbage and red cabbage.
At this point, my special thanks to GMCW for the release of Porta Westfalica for use as an empty base map with these built-fruits.
The basis for this is the Multimap for the LS 15. However, this version never found its way into the public. Road, terrain and almost all old objects were taken 1: 1. The trees have been completely replaced. All productions that ran on UPK, were converted to the factory script. New production branches have been added. And there are numerous outlets.
There are two farm silos, one for cereals, the other for crops, cabbages, onions and carrots.
In addition, there is a feed store, this runs on the factory script.
Almost all produced goods can be stored in the logistics center, with a few exceptions. The logistics center consists of 2 large halls for dry goods, 2 smaller halls for fresh produce and vegetables, as well as a warehouse for empty pallets and board pallets.
There are 2 sawmills, one with paper production and 3 empty pallet production facilities. Furthermore, a pulp mill for the production of cardboard boxes. In addition to the normal raw materials, many productions also require these empty pallets and cardboard boxes.
In addition to hops and malt, the brewery also requires liquid yeast. This can be made in the dairy. The raw materials for liquid yeast are milk and molasses. Molasses is produced in the sugar factory. Malt is made in a small malt house on the site of the brewery.
We tried to make it possible for every fruit to be used in the productions. For example, Oat needed in Meyers manufactory for making oatmeal. Spelled can be processed in the mill, as well as rye. Triticale can be processed together with barley in the malting plant.
Some productions need products from other productions to produce their goods.
For most vegetables, there are special bottling plants. There the raw materials are packed on pallets. A special feature is the Kartoffelhof (Martinshof). There, the potatoes can be stored loose. But it is also possible to pack the potatoes as table potatoes on pallets. If the tape is full, and the goods have not been picked up, then all other produced pallets are automatically stored. Only when there is no more space, the production stops.
We have put a lot of effort and work into this card, it has been extensively tested extensively in the SP over several weeks. A test in the MP could not be carried out in the absence of a suitable team. Here I am dependent on the feedback from the user.
My special thanks go to LF-Bauer for providing us with this card as well as to my test players:
Wegerenz, Holzmichel, rk54, rokki, and hyacinth lindauer
which have contributed significantly to the success of your card with your feedback, suggestions and ideas.
If, contrary to expectations, mistakes still occur, I ask for your feedback.
Now I wish you a lot of fun on the Multimap 2018.
I thank all modders for their objects that I have installed. Should I have overlooked someone, or someone wants to recognize his object and be mentioned by name, I will add this in the next version of my map.
It is not allowed to re-upload or rebuild the map !!! If you want to link the map, please use exclusively the ORIGINAL download link!

I thank all modders for their objects. If I have someone to overlook, I want to follow it up in the next version of my map.
It is not allowed to upload or rebuild the card and upload it again !!! If you want to link the map,
Please use the ORIGINAL download link!

The quality of the original download link!

GiantsScripte:Marhu, kevink98, joker301069, BlackSheep, Blacky_BPG, 112TecUrmapper:LF-Bauer Umbau für LS17:FalPosAnimationen:LF-BauerEinbau Multifrucht:GMCWObjekte von, sofern bekannt:Giants, Kastor, Der_Wanderer, möchtegernbauer, Nic89.1, 112TEC, Niggels, The Snake, scottryder, San Andreas, M1800Power, Bummi, Marhu, Devin, Hewaaa, Bigblue, GE -Mapping, dajun, wellano920, dds-modding, Ingolf, Katsuo, Blacky BPG, marc85, mike LSF Modding, PaPa, TuneWar, pisty, manni112, adam5525, SLJ-Agrar, Mark44, MCMC, borutcebuli, Der Melker, ni-modding, XAnonymousX, atze1978, odin1985, Gaucho, sherco58,, Farmeraner, KIK, Aerocool1, Trekkerbodo, Zefir, LS-CommunityAuf der Karte befinden sich noch Objekte aus dem LS13, deren Herkunft mir nicht bekannt ist. Diese habe ich so von der ursprünglichen Karte übernommen. Wer sein Objekt wieder erkennt und nicht erwähnt wurde, der kann sich jederzeit bei mir melden. Natürlich wird der Eintrag dann nachgeholt. Testspieler:wegerenz, Holzmichel, rk54, rokki, hyazinthlindauer
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7 Responses

  1. Rudy says:

    How do you harvest the cabbage? I don’t see any headers for it.

  2. Michelle says:

    I’ve been playing it in MP for some time now, and have a lot of feedback and questions for you guys. 🙂
    Is there a simpler way than this to contact you? Would love to share the things we found with you!

  3. Francel van Eeden says:

    How can I get Hold of you guys. I need some assistance of what is produced where. This is an awesome map and would like to find out more.
    Please guys and thank you for this awesome product you did excelent work

  4. George says:

    I can’t get stuff back out of the Logisticenter. I loaded cigarettes and boxes in there, they show up, and I have tried several different trailers, auto and manual filling etc.

    • predater says:

      Ik weet ook niet hoe ik daar mijn producten kan weghalen?
      indien iemand weet hoe,laat het me dan weten

    • predater says:

      Kolen zijn niet te rooien zonder mods
      ik krijg ook mijn goederen maar niet terug uit het logistickcenter
      weet iemand hoe je dat doet??????????????

  5. Yazu says:

    Great map, a lot of options. I am waiting for a development map, you start in a small farm, you buy bigger and bigger. Something like a career.
    Great job, thanks for a lot of fun. Think about this attach a tag to the maps

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